Wednesday, June 3, 2009

When I Grow Up To Be A Man: The Prophecy of The FRHS Senior Class of 1969--Part II

Looking back at photos like these, it's hard to imagine any of us spent much time at Father Ryan thinking about what we would be when we grew up to be men.

But I know we all did. After all the Beach Boys made a hit record about it:

"When I Grow Up To Be A Man"

The second part of our Prophecy of the FRHS Senior Class of 1969 is not nearly as profound as some of the words of that Beach Boy song from the 1960s.

Some of it seems a little obscure, even a bit mean 40 years later. But hey, we were still kids. Also keep in mind, as in Part I of the Prophecy, it helps to remember who was dating who, etc.

And so, here it is: Part II of Prophecy of the FRHS Senior Class of 1969. Depending on how you want to look it, I guess we either scooped John Lennon by a few years,or we owe him a very belated apology, since the name of this prophecy segement is IMAGINE:


IMAGINE; Jim Viel with his own pack of cigarettes

IMAGINE: Charlie Hostetler replacing Barney Rubble on The Flintstones

IMAGINE: David Schmitt going parking on PENTECOST Sunday

IMAGINE: Randy DuBois head of the FBI

IMAGINE: Joe Williams as over in Africa and used as a spear

IMAGINE: Jimbo Bauer after work with a Callis on his hand

IMAGINE: Jack Long owing his own factory and really getting into the GREEN

IMAGINE: Pat Bauer starring in I Spy

IMAGINE: Kyle Walker talking

IMAGINE: Pat Wall with a date

IMAGINE: Trying to steal Tennessee Speed Sport (Jay Catignani)

IMAGINE: Lindsay Draper head of the Ku Klux Clan.

IMAGINE: Ted Lenox as a Garbage Man

IMAGINE: Jack Gaines owning Clearsil Corporation

IMAGINE: Johnny Shelton thinking life isn't ROSIE after a date with Eba

IMAGINE: Bill O'Donohoe as an astronaut trying to fly to the moon to catch a RAE

IMAGINE; John Winkfield with WHITE wall tires.

IMAGINE: Terry Shelton getting in trouble

IMAGINE: A teacher disliking Johnny Hosey

IMAGINE: Jim Wilson writing a book "How To Win The Leo Long Award Without Ever Playing"

IMAGINE: Joe Hobbs settling in ELIZABETHtown as a blackSMITH

IMAGINE: Frank Baltz, President of Baltz Brothers, going to work for BECKER's Bakery.

IMAGINE: Phil Mattingly owner of Butch Wax

IMAGINE: Sparky Duffy head football coach at Ryan with Coach Donnelly as an assistant

IMAGINE: Les Mondelli having it down PAT how to hijack planes to Cuba

IMAGINE: Chuck McDowell doing some of the things he get blamed for

IMAGINE: Dickey Kibby, publisher of a GOURLEY magazine

IMAGINE: Bubba Donnelly playing Kick the McCANN.

IMAGINE: Will Forte, International Playboy of the Year

IMAGINE: Gary Edmondson not getting burned on a date

IMAGINE: Roger Rotoni winning the Olympic Gold Medal in handball

IMAGINE: Kenny Potts not potted

IMAGINE: Sam Vaughn orginator of SCHULTZ Malt Liquor

IMAGINE: Willie Martin as the after example on a Metreacal commercial

IMAGINE: Larry Lisle President of the United States

IMAGINE: Frank Lovell owning a Rolls-ROYCE

IMAGINE: Rick Sinnott inventing a crash-proof bridge

IMAGINE: Mike McGrady without any HOLZ in his Apple

IMAGINE: Gino Marchetti rooming with Jeff Peeples at Vanderbilt

IMAGINE: Greg Garr with muscles

IMAGINE: Mike Schoen bankrupt

IMAGINE: Doyle Bumpus heavyweight champion of the world

IMAGINE: Tim Quirk going to college

IMAGINE: Joe O'Connor Secretary of Agriculture


IMAGINE: Davis Osbourne married and having ten girls

IMAGINE: Steve McRedmond kicked out of college for public drunkedness

IMAGINE: Tim Templeton Mr. Universe

IMAGINE: Emile Catignani going to a restaurant saying, "give me a hamburger and hold the MAYOnaise."

And so, mercifully, ends our Class Prophecy. I apologize if this brought back any bad memories for some folks, or if you have explain yours to your wife. :)

I am afraid to ask this question. Did we produce a "Last Will & Testament?" I don't have a copy. If anyone does, bring it to the party at the Wilsons. It ought to be good for a few laughs...especially after a few beers.

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